Monday 10 August 2015

Lead The Emotional, Don’t Let It Control You

Fighting? Arguing? Hating? Don’t make this kind of things conquer yourself. If you keep hate each other, this wouldn’t solve anything and only give you another trouble.

I know how you feel when you not in bad mood or angry with someone, it’s like you want to scold them, punch them or anything that make you release all of your anger to them.

 "Don’t let the emotional control you but the one who control emotional is YOU!"

How to control it? Down here, maybe it will help you;

  1. First thing first, take a deep breath, think, relax and calm down. Don’t act when you angry because you will do something that unexpected by your mind. Example, talks to yourself, go to the mirror and ask “What does it affect to me if I do this?”
  2. Yoga would be a good exercise for you. It has movements which need you to move slowly and smooth. By moving slowly, it can relax your mind because it has auras which make you feel comfortable, calm and serene.
  3. Watch or hear something that can make you laugh. It doesn’t matter if it is a video, movie, show or have fun with your friends. Laugh can cure your angry, the more you laugh, the happy you are but it will be a little bit tired when you stop it.
  4. If you have a good listener like your boyfriend, girlfriend, family or bestfriend, it is a good way for you to express but be cautious, they may lend their ears to hear your problem but not to be scold or shout. Talk softly and wise with them.
Hope that these things may help you!

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